12-14/06/2014 Sónar 2014 @ Barcelona 5 862
21st International Festival
of Advanced Music
and New Media Art
Barcelona 12.13.14 June
Sónar 2014 thematic lines
• Sónar 2014 presents the new show by Massive Attack, Bristol band
who have been a benchmark for electronica over the last two decades.
Massive Attack will present their new live show and the next phase in their
audiovisual performances, exploring political propaganda, and the influence
of technology.
• The Sonar exclusive show by Plastikman will debut new unreleased
material at Sónar by Day with ”Objekt”, a new live concept crowned by a
spectacular light obelisk. Richie Hawtin will also perform at Sónar by Night
with one of his high-precision technological dj sets.
• The legendary Chic, one of the biggest disco bands of all time will appear
at Sónar by Night. They will arrive in a particularly special year for their
charismatic leader Nile Rodgers.
• Sónar presents DESPACIO powered by McIntosh, which comprises of
3 DJ sets by James Murphy and 2manydjs, who will play vinyl only, for
6 hours on an exclusive stage at Sónar by Day, throughout the three-day
festival. James Murphy and 2manydjs will also perform sets at Sónar by
• The festival line-up includes several of the most prominent artists in
cutting edge electronica, whose talents are reshaping the sounds of today:
Four Tet, James Holden, Jon Hopkins, Theo Parrish, Oneohtrix Point
Never, Matmos, Bonobo, Woodkid, Simian Mobile Disco, Nils Frahm,
Moderat, Buraka Som Sistema, Laurel Halo, Caribou, The Martínez
Brothers, Forest Swords, representatives from the American label LIES
and Ben Frost, among others.
• The festival adds various performances from Nordic artists such as
Neneh Cherry or Lykke Li, who will present their new albums at Sónar;
the partnership between Röyksopp and Robyn which promises a big
dose of electropop euphoria; new Danish rising star Mø; cosmic disco
king Todd Terje, also with his new album; Trentemøller, between pop
and epic electronica; and the imaginative and pulsating FM Belfast and
• Sónar presents amazing shows from energetic artists on the rise such
as Pretty Lights, Flux Pavilion, Rudimental, Gessafelstein, Camo &
Krooked, and several up-and-coming producers redefining genres like
grime and trap: Visionist, Kaytranada, UZ, Hucci, Evian Christ, Future
Brown, DJ Nigga Fox and Dj Snake, and more.
• The festival also presents immersive digital experiences from Audion
and Daito Manabe, the first of which is a pure techno show designed by
the producers of Amon Tobin’s ISAM tour; the second show combining
videomapping and contemporary dance. Forward thinking music will also be
highlighted by the collaboration between Sónar and Polish festival Unsound,
who present concerts featuring Robert Piotrowicz and Oren Ambarchi
with Sinfonietta Cracovia.
• Many of the most exciting young talents in the world will perform on
the SonarDôme stage at Sónar by Day, presented by Red Bull Music
Academy, together with three main headliners of the SonarDôme stage:
Buraka Som Sistema, Chris&Cosey and Dam-Funk. The line-up will
include the excellent Los Angeles producer Tokimonsta, American
housemaster Octo Octa; French Débruit together with Sudanese vocalist
Alsarah and the increasingly popular British producers Koreless, Throwing
Snow and T. Williams, among many others.
• Sónar completes one of its most exciting national line-ups ever,
drawing from a domestic scene in extremely good health. It includes among
others, BFlecha, Henry Saiz, Downliners Sekt, Alizzz, Sunny Graves,
Nev.Era, Desert, Glue Kids, Kresy, Territoire, Sau Poler, Arufe, Mwëslee,
Balago and Pina.
2manydjs (dj set), 3QUIN0X, Alizzz, Arufe, Astroboyz, Audion, Balago,
Ben Frost, BFlecha, Bonobo, Boys Noize, Brodinski, BSN Posse,
Buraka Som Sistema, Camo & Krooked, Caribou, CHIC feat. Nile
Rodgers, Chris & Cosey, Chris Madak, Clipping, copeland,
Daito Manabe, Dâm-Funk, Daniel Miller, Daphni b2b James Holden,
De La Montagne, Débruit & Alsarah, Debukas, Dengue Dengue Dengue,
Desert, DESPACIO (James Murphy + 2manydjs), Discos Paradiso Crew,
DJ Der, DJ Harvey, DJ Nigga Fox, Dj Snake, DJ2D2, Downliners Sekt,
Elijah & Skilliam intr. Flava D, Eme DJ, Emufucka, Enpunto, Evian Christ
(dj set), Flux Pavilion, FM Belfast, Forest Swords, Four Tet, Future
Brown, Gesaffelstein, Glue Kids, Happa, Harald Björk, Henry Saiz,
Hucci, I Am Legion, James Holden, James Murphy, Jameszoo,
Jessy Lanza, Jolly Mare, Jon Hopkins, Kaytranada, Kid Koala presents
Vinyl Vaudeville 2.0, Koreless, Kresy, Laurel Halo, Leo Aldrey,
Loco Dice, Louis Baker, Love Cult, Lykke Li, Machine Variation:
Bernier + Messier, Machinedrum Vapor City Live, Majical Cloudz,
Mario Nieto, Massive Attack, Matmos, Matthew Dear, Moderat,
Monki DJ, MØ, Mr. K!, Mwëslee, Neneh Cherry with RocketNumberNine,
Nev.Era, Nils Frahm, Nisennenmondai, Octo Octa, Oneohtrix Point
Never, Ordre Etern, Oren Ambarchi presents Knots with Sinfonietta
Cracovia, Pau Roca, Paul Woolford, Pick A Piper, Pina, Plastikman |
Objekt, Pretty Lights, Professor Angel Sound, Ralph Lawson, Rayo-60,
Recondite, Richie Hawtin, Robert Piotrowicz, Roll The Dice,
Ron Morelli, Röyksopp & Robyn, Rudi Zygadlo, Rudimental, Ryan
Hemsworth, Sanatruja, Sau Poler, Shelby Grey, Sibot, Simian Mobile
Disco present Whorl, Simonne Jones, Sinjin Hawke, Sonia Gómez
& Lucy Suggate, Spoek Mathambo, Stwo, Sunny Graves, Suzanne
Kraft, Svengalisghost, T. Williams, Tarek Atoui, Territoire, The
Martinez Brothers, Theo Parrish, Throwing Snow, Tiga, Todd Terje,
TOKiMONSTA, Trancemicsoul, Trentemøller, UNER, UZ, Vallès,
Visionist, WhoMadeWho, Woodkid, Xavi Mateu and Carlos Bayona,